Monday, January 11, 2010

Sherlock Holmes: Review

So as a man who enjoys pretty much anything Guy Ritchie has done... I will say that I may be a little biased in judging this film. But I will say that this movie was pretty amazing. The acting was great and the story was pretty cool and the directing was good. I think Watson was played very well by jude law and his character fit in very well. I think that Holmes was preformed perfectly by Robert Downy Jr. I dont know how historically accurate the film was and I dont know how perfectly portrayed Holmes was but it was enjoyable as hell. It was definitely classic Ritchie in the fact that very multiple story driven but it doesn't completely make sense until the end of the movie. This is something he does in all films. A couple stories that dont seem to make sense until the end. The action was great. The deductive reasoning was pretty awesome. I loved how he froze time and looked at each angle and planned everything out before hand. I will say that I also enjoyed the directorial decision to not do this too often. Also the best part is that it set it up well for a second movie with completing the current story. It was good and I would suggest it for anyone who doesn't have an issue non-historical films and enjoys Guy Ritchie.

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